Headless Ghost
Solving a problem you didn't know you had
Headless Ghost is a simple device that emulates the presence of a high-resolution display. This enables the full potential of the graphics hardware even when there is no display attached.
Starting as an internal project, Headless Ghost modules were developed by Whatever Together to solve a specific set of remote rendering and graphics issues. Having tested the market appetite for the device via a successful Kickstarter, modules are now available worldwide from our retail partners.
Featuring a low profile design the modules work with Windows, OSX, Linux, and just about everything else. Once the Headless Ghost is plugged in, the operating system detects a connected display and enables the GPU. We have subsequently provided bespoke tools and solutions for companies such as Duet and Intel based on this technology.
George Davies, Gareth Weaver, Chris Edson, Tom Wakeling, Norah Lewis & Jen Lambourne
London, 2016